
WTF – What The Focal? …Play Games, Learn & Share Irish!

What The Focal is a spás spraoia games night and a place for fun.

Whether you want to learn, share, or speak a cúpla focal, this playful and inclusive space is for you! No experience needed—just bring your enthusiasm.

Dive into easy-going board games, good company, and great vibes.

Saor in aisceFree! Everyone’s welcome.

Ócáid—Event details

🟢 Saor in aisce — Free
🕢 7.30pm – 9.30pm
📍 An chéad Luan of every month

  • Luan 3 Márta — Mon 3rd March
  • Luan 7 Aibreán — Mon 7th April
  • Luan 5 Bealtaine — Mon 5th May
  • Luan 2 Meitheamh — Mon 2nd June

Mon 03 March 2025

7.30 pm - 9.30 pm

FREE! Sign up below

What The Focal is a spás spraoi, a games night and a place for fun. We’re serving you easy-going board games so you can use your cúpla focal in a playful and inclusive space and feel bród—proud using beagán Irish or mór, as you wish.

No shade here, is cuma linn, we don’t mind—whatever your level or your scéal. Even if you’ve never spoken a word of Irish before, you’re fáilte isteach! All you need is enthusiasm. This is a space for everyone—whether you’re fluent, rusty, or just curious, come along and boost your Gaeilge grá with our friendly fuinneamh—vibes.

WTF is a bilingual Gaeilge-Béarla Games Night co-created by the mnásome duo Mary Ellen Saha and Naomi Elster, two west London scríbhneoirí—writers and not-quite-there-yet Gaeilgeoirs.

Whether you’re ag ceangal arís, reconnecting, with the Irish you learned in school which may be meirgeach—rusty, or (re)discovering Ireland’s teanga beo through classes, pop culture or social media, our doras is wide open. No pressure, no tests—just good company, good games, and good vibes.

Bígí linn on the first Monday of every month for cluichí and cráic, where you can tóg go bóg é—take it easy, spill the tea and enjoy a Guinness.

So what you waiting for? Put on your brat brí—cloak of courage and get yourself to WTF in Hammersmith, where your Irish is maith go leor—good enough, as it is.


All ages and identities welcome. No experience needed. Just bring yourself!


A Rhyme for the Focal—Our Games Night in a Poem

Step into the rhythm of What The Focal with this playful poem that captures the heart of our Gaeilge-Béarla games night—where words flow, laughter echoes, and everyone is welcome. No pressure, no perfection—just fun, fóclóir and fáilte!


Embrace our teanga beo,
With Scrabble nó Cluedo,
Lean ar aghaidh—let’s go!

Not líofa yet with grá of Irish,
Ar bís & self-confidence rising,
Ag imirt cártaí & board games.
Living it! Loving it! No náire—shame.

If you feel eagla, sure what harm!
Ná bac! Try a focal & gáire ós árd,
Come as you are, you are réidh,
In WTF we tóg go bog é!

Fáilte gach aon duine,
Chatting le chéile,
An open doras to labhairt free,
At our Gaeilge-Béarla games spraoi.