Am I Irish Yet?
‘Bombing Irish?’ Or ‘Plastic Paddy?’ We couldn’t win, could we? Us Inbetweeners? Irish kids born and brought up in the UK. Loving going ‘Home’ every summer. The freedom, the craic. Dancing with dark-haired boys in the town hall in Ballina: my first summer of Love. And then back in England in the 1980s with IRA bombs going off. Keeping your head down and mouth shut. But then I was a bit English too. Loved Carnaby Street, punks with safety pins in their nose, Brick Lane curries, Adam Ant and Tops of the Pops!. But we never sang God Save the Queen. Caught between two sometimes colliding worlds. Our own lost tribe – the Second Generation London Irish. Identity is tricky isn’t it? That’s why I wrote my one-woman play AM I IRISH YET? all about what it’s like to be one of Us – the mixed up Irish/English or whatever they want to call us. For sure, I might not be Irish enough for some folks but I am definitely Irish enough for me. Just like you’” – Kate Kerrigan.
AM I IRISH YET? is the laugh out loud, totally relatable, one-woman play written and performed by New York Times best-selling novelist Kate Kerrigan about being born Irish in the UK. Directed and produced by BAFTA winner and My Father’s Wake author Kevin Toolis
Evening shows: 7.30pm Doors, 8pm Start. Afternoon show: 2pm Doors, 2.30pm Start (no Latecomers)
Tickets: £20