In advance of the up and coming event “SEEKING REGUGE” at the ICC on Nov 24th, we bring you this powerful short film, in which Lord Alf Dubs, the great campaigner on behalf of child refugees, reflects upon the current Refugee crisis across the globe. No-one who watches this short film can fail to be deeply moved by the wisdom and eloquence of Lord Dubs, whose words here offers us hope and the possibility of a kinder and more humane way forward. Included in this film is a beautiful recitation, by Sheila Hancock, of W H Auden’s stirring poem “Refugees Blues” which comes courtesy of The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust. This interview with Lord Dubs and Dorothy Allen was captured when they were guests on the radio show “Bright Side Of The Road”, recorded here at the ICC and broadcast on Portobello Radio. To hear this radio show in full, or any of the previous episodes, go to ICC Hammersmith MixCloud.
Lord Alf Dubs and Dorothy Allen – Seeking refuge Preview
17th November 2023, 12am